To be considered for a grant from the Friends of Clare County Parks & Recreation, you will need to submit an application prior to your project start date. Along with the Application Form please attach, your project design (if applicable).
Required information and application procedures are attached to this announcement and may be duplicated for distribution to any interested person or organization. You may contact any of the “Friends” Board members for assistance in filing your application. We hope to be able to process all applications within 60 days of the date of receipt. Your complete application will assist us in this goal.
Friends Granting Request Application Process
We are ready to accept your funding request. Before we can consider your request we require certain information regarding your organization and information on how your project will benefit recreation in Clare County.
- Name of your organization. Are you connected to any governmental unit?
- Number of registered members.
- Total cost of your project.
- Number of persons expected to be served by your project.
- Other sources of funding already committed to this project?
- What percentage of project cost will your organization fund?
- Start date of the project for which funding is requested.
- Completion date for this project.
- Person responsible for this project and experience related to this activity.
- Will the requested grant be used to leverage other funds?
Please limit your application to two typewritten, double-spaced pages. Please include any additional information you believe will assist the committee in reaching a decision on your request. Please bear in mind that Friends is interested in highly visible projects that will serve the greatest number of participants.
Submit your request as far in advance of your project as possible. Friends will consider applications as they are received. No restriction is placed on the number of requests an individual organization may file. Applications will be considered in the order received. Please feel free to contact a Board member to discuss your request prior to submission.
Application for grants may be made in writing to: Friends of Clare County Parks and Recreation, PO Box 274, Clare, MI 48617
Download Grant Application Form
Don Kolander presenting $1000 Grant from Friends of the Clare Co. Parks & Rec. to representatives of the Village of Farwell.
The Grant went towards fixing and painting the swings at the front of the park.